Literatur – 9. Reglementierung von Therapietests: hilfreich oder hinderlich?
1. Emanuel EJ, Menikoff J. Reforming the regulations governing research with human subjects. New England Journal of Medicine 2011; 10: 1056/NEJMsb1106942.
2. Chalmers I, Lindley R. Double standards on informed consent to treatment. In: Doyal L, Tobias JS, eds. Informed consent in medical research. London: BMJ Books 2001, S. 266–275.
3. Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, Farewell V, et al. Efficacy of a Cancer Research UK communicating skills training model for oncologists: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2002; 359: 650–656.
4. Chalmers I. Regulation of therapeutic research is compromising the interests of patients. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine 2007; 21: 395–404.
5. Roberts I, Prieto-Marino D, Shakur H, et al. Effect of consent rituals on mortality in emergency care research. Lancet 2011; 377: 1071–1072.